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Conversations with Phyllis

	~ When you say “life is good”, do you really feel that?

	~ Have you seen What the Bleep Do We Know? 
     Do you want those insights to work for you? ~ Do you feel adrift as you watch change swirl around you, and long for an internal sanctuary that gives you serenity?

Phyllis has been exploring and experimenting for three decades with the realities of non-physical energies. She uses 12 Step work, quantum physics and chaos theory in her life. After 15 years as a respected lawyer in the fields of labor, civil and international law, Phyllis moved from traditional law to the practice of spiritual law.

Her insights can be found here in the pages of her book and directly in personal conversations with her.  Phyllis’ goal for herself and for you during a conversation is to help you find your own divine wisdom in practical ways that give you joyful engagement with life.

To learn more about a conversation with Phyllis, you may email her at